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We care about your privacy

That is why we developed these Privacy Policies to explain how we collect, use, communicate and display your personal information. Read this text carefully if you want to know how we treat your personal data.

In compliance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter, "LOPD") and its implementing regulations, we inform you that to make use of the services that you Sibarum Catering offers, it may be necessary for you to provide us with certain personal data, which will be incorporated into files for which Sibarum Sitges SL will be responsible.

The use of the website attributes the condition of user, and implies the knowledge and acceptance of all the conditions included in this Privacy Policy.

The data object of treatment will be those that the User facilitates through the different forms of the web, including:

  • The website contact form (name, email and telephone - optional)

  • Any other form that is displayed on the website

  • Data collected in emails sent through addresses identified on this website


Likewise, the data transferred to Sibarum Sitges SL by other social networks such as Facebook, Twitter or others will be processed when the registration in the Portal is made through them (for example, public profile, friends list, email address electronic, etc.). In any case, during access through said systems, permission will be requested on the specific information to be collected and, in the event that the User provides said permission, the aforementioned information will be stored for use for the intended purposes. in this Privacy Policy.

The custodian of the database in which the data cited in this Privacy Policy are collected is Sibarum Sitges SL, with CIF B65978082 and registered office at C / Drets Humans 13-15, nave 6 (08870 Sitges, Barcelona). This database is registered in the Spanish Association for Data Protection, with registration code 2171291443.


Personal data protection

Sibarum Sitges SL applies a strict personal data protection policy. Likewise, it reserves the right to modify this policy, informing you in advance of the changes that occur through the same website.

When you send us forms via email, purchase a product or service or participate in any contest or raffle, either directly on the web or in the raffles carried out through our social networks (Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest), you VOLUNTARILY provide your personal data to Sibarum Sitges SL and you expressly authorize it to process and incorporate this data into a file owned by it.

The purpose of collecting and processing the personal data that you provide is to contact you to respond to your request and to inform you about the products and services offered by this company, through any means of communication, even electronic. The data provided in the fields marked as mandatory in the forms on this website are in order to fulfill the purpose set forth in the previous paragraph.

Sibarum Sitges SL expresses its commitment to the confidentiality of this data and confidential treatment for internal use in accordance with Law 15/99 LOPD, and undertakes not to transfer the data to third parties without prior notice or authorization from the person concerned.

You have the right to access the personal data that have been collected in our file, modify them in case of being erroneous and cancel them at your will, communicating it in writing to the email address


Use of personal data

Sibarum Sitges SL will use the personal data collected from the Users of the Portal for the purposes indicated below:

  • Send you information about our services by email responding to your request.

  • Process payments, issue invoices and, in general, attend to your requests.

Additionally, during said data collection, your consent may be requested for another series of purposes that are not directly related to the service or the corresponding relationship, indicating it and requesting your approval by checking a conformity box. In the event that you do not agree with said additional treatments, check or uncheck the box for this purpose as appropriate.

Transfer of data to third parties

By sending us their data through the forms provided or by email to the corresponding mailboxes, the User declares that the information and data provided are accurate and truthful, as well as that they are over 14 years of age. Since Sibarum Sitges SL does not have the necessary mechanisms to carry out the appropriate checks, in the event of contracts made by people who do not meet the above requirements, they must be made through their parents or legal representatives.

Exercise of the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition

The personal data requested is intended to know the browsing habits and interests of the user, in order to be able to offer the most interesting content based on their profile. Users may exercise, at any time, their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to the processing of their data, as well as revoke their consent in the terms provided by law, by contacting the following email address: i o Either by postal letter by going to the address that appears in the heading of this Privacy Policy, and accompanying a copy of the document that proves your identity, or by letter.


Sibarum Sitges SL reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy, therefore Users are advised to visit it periodically.

When significant changes occur in this Privacy Policy, Users will be notified for their acceptance through notices on the Portal or through email or through any other appropriate procedure depending on the circumstances.

Audience measurement

This Website uses the Google Analytics audience measurement tools, which allow the behavior and profile of anonymous visitors to be analyzed, with the aim of improving the operation of the site. This measurement uses third party cookies. For more information: .

Cookies policy

Use of Cookies

A cookie is a file that is downloaded to your computer, tablet or smartphone when you access certain web pages through the browser. A cookie allows you to store and retrieve information about your browsing habits, and can be used to improve your browsing experience, offer you products of your interest, remember your password or keep your session open, if you indicate so when identifying yourself on the website. . The browser memorizes cookies on the hard drive of the device during the current session, occupying a minimum memory space and without prejudice to the device. In no case do cookies contain personal information, and most are deleted at the end of the browser session.

Cookies, depending on who manages the computer or domain from which they are sent, can be divided into own Cookies (managed by a computer or domain managed by the website editor itself) or third-party Cookies (managed by third-party entities that treat the data obtained through them).


Cookies used on this website

We inform you that the website uses the following types of cookies:


- Technical and personalization cookies: they allow the user to navigate through the website, platform or application, and allow the use of different options or services that exist, namely: control traffic and data communication, identify the session , access certain sections of restricted access, remember your user data and your orders, carry out the process of purchasing a course, use security elements while browsing, store content for the dissemination of videos or sounds or share content on the networks social. They also allow the user to access the service with some general characteristics defined depending on the access device, such as language, country or time settings. Namely: woocommerce_items_in_cart, wordpress_logger_in, wp-settings, wp_wocommerce_session, woocommerce_cart_hash, TSe9a623 Apache PYPF.


- Google Analytics analysis cookies: System to measure visits, users and sessions, as well as control of the traffic source that explains how the user has reached the site. Also used for statistical and visual analysis of navigation. Namely: _utma, _utmb, _utmc, _utmz, _ga, _gat.

The User expressly accepts, by using this Site, the treatment of the information collected in the manner and for the aforementioned purposes.


Disable the use of Cookies

The user can at any time disable the operation of the website's cookies and revoke the consent given for their use through the browser settings, but this may affect the ability to browse the web or the correct use of some of the web functions.

You can check how to do it in each browser by following the following links:

Likewise, Google offers a “Google Analytics opt-out add-on for browsers” that can be downloaded at the following address:

Updating and changes in the cookie policy

Sibarum Sitges SL reserves the right to make changes to this Cookies Policy, therefore Users are advised to visit it periodically. When significant changes occur in this Cookies Policy, Users will be notified for their acceptance through notices on the Portal or through email or through any other appropriate procedure depending on the circumstances. If you have questions about this Cookies Policy, you can contact us at this email: i

The User expressly accepts, by using this Site, the treatment of the information collected in the manner and for the aforementioned purposes.

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